About us
In 1922, a small group of people in the Thorsby area, new and long term residents gathered together for the first time for fellowship. These folks had a strong desire to encourage one another in faith and any others that may be interested in hearing about Jesus. These good people began to hold Sunday School, Worship Meetings and Bible Studies that same summer. As we the case in pioneer areas, in the early years, meetings were held in various homes.
As they gathered, this devoted group of people became a thriving church seeing many come to know Jesus as Lord, young and old alike. To accommodate the growing numbers of people they found it necessary to relocated the congregation out of their homes into the, newly built, Dniester School in the spring of 1923. By 1929, a church was built that would become the home of this beautiful, non-denominational congregation. The church was named "The Weed Creek Union Sunday School." Ministers from various denominations came to help and conduct services in those early years, as the church grew.
The modern Pentecostal movement was still quite new, but even in the early years, there was a great hunger and desire of many members to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. God used members who had heard of the great Azuza Street revival to introduce the ministry and Pentecostal experience to the church.
In the summer of 1937, tent meetings were held on the farm of one of our members. The tent meetings brought people together from various nationalities. Polish, Ukrainian, German and English worshiped together in one accord. The congregation worshiped together while each ethnic group sang in their preferred language. The message from the speaker, each Sunday, would either be in Polish, Ukrainian, German or English, always with interpretation for those in attendance. As a result of those meetings, many new families were added to the Pentecostal group.
The group grew and decided it had become important and necessary to have a church building of their own. An administration board was organized and this group of people were incorporated under the "Religious Societies Act of Alberta," as "Thorsby Pentecostal Assembly." They were able to complete their own building in 1939, situated only a short distance East from the Weed Creek Union Sunday School, on what is now called, "Glen Park Road," a few kilometers south of the Thorsby town site.
There was an increase which necessitated an expansion of church facilities. Rather than add to the old building, the English speaking people of the congregation decided to move into the Village of Thorsby, where water, sewer and electricity were readily available. The new church would be registered with the "Religious Societies Act of Alberta," as "Immanuel Pentecostal Assembly," on January 1, 1967.
During the summer of 1972, the pastors from each group met and discussed the importance of unity in the church and community. After the discussion between pastors and congregations was complete, it was decided to reunite the two congregations. In October 1972, the country church was closed, the congregations were reunited and the country church transferred it's assets to Immanuel Pentecostal Assembly.
In 1989, the assembly took steps to rename the church following the footsteps that many other churches were making, at that time, to adjust their names to be less denominationally distinctive. The name of the church would officially be changed to it's current, "New Life Christian Fellowship," that same year.
2022 marks the 100th anniversary of our humble beginnings, as a house based congregation, that would eventually become today's New Life Christian Fellowship. We celebrate and glorify our Heavenly Father for all that He has accomplished, using the hands and feet of dedicated men and women of God who were willing to say yes to His call to Thorsby. We honor every voice that has spoken life into the lives of this congregation over the years. We honor every Sunday School teacher, Bible Study teacher, Usher, Board Member, Treasurer, Worship leader and Pastor that has had a part of building this congregation. Not one could do it alone, and certainly not without the help and guidance of God, our Father.
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Our Lead pastor
Rev. Glen McBride
aka Pastor G
or Batman
(Depending on who you ask)
Greetings!! Please let me introduce myself.
I am the husband of one wife, Linda. We have been married since 1981 and she truly is God's gift to me. I am blessed to be the father of three really great children and grandfather of five absolutely amazing grandchildren. ( It would have been really cool to have them first.) We own a beautiful 150 acre farm, located 20 km West of Thorsby, that has a creek that wanders right down the middle. That is our little piece of Heaven on Earth where we can relax and enjoy all that God has provided.
I love to laugh, and often find humor where others don't. It can get me into a little trouble when I find myself smiling as I pick someone up, who has fallen. I laugh at myself more than anyone else, although my family might say otherwise. (They often get a little teasing from me.) Jesus loves me, He's my friend, and He thinks I'm funny!
I have been in ministry of one form or another since 1979. Licensed with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada in 1982 and Ordained since 1986. Since 1982, I have served in five different churches. 100 Mile House, BC, Drayton Valley, AB, Jasper, AB, Beaverlodge, AB and Thorsby, AB. I have been in Thorsby since July 1st of 1995, where I will remain until the Father sends me elsewhere or calls me home.
I am an avid reader and love to study God's Word. I have no real set style of preaching. I love exegesis, but find that most people respond better to a topical or textual approach. I like to bring God's Word to the church in a simple way so that even the children will get something. I am, who I am. What you see on the street is the same guy you get on Sunday. (Just a little more controlled and a maybe little better dressed.)
Whatever else you might want to know is unimportant except this. I love God and I want others to know and love Him as well. That is why I do what I do.